South Philly Ska Punk Is Alive and Surviving


It’s a cold time in Philadelphia right now and many are longing for an escape to a time with warmer vibes. Through the power of of music, Eastern Functionsoothes that nerve with their latest release _Medicine. _

The band is comprised of a tight, three member crew fronted by South Jersey native Greg Cop. Leading the band with his melodic range of vocal influxes and fuzz bound guitar solos, Cop casts a large net over the gamut of genres Eastern Function traverses through. Bassist and backing vocalist Tucker Hill glides throughout each song by taking his bass for a walk and utilizing scales that balance out Cop’s distorted tones. Keeping the band perfectly packaged with a little elbow grease is none other than drummer Phil Conine. He places pocket beats perfectly in each groove and is armed with ghost notes that could scare Tobias Forge.

The Band tells stories of love, loss, and struggles of dealing with relationships, addiction, and the path to bettering yourself. While they seem to stick to warm tones and positive sounding chord progressions, the music gives mixed feelings similar to the song *Pumped Up Kicks *by Foster The People. They balance out the upbeat infrastructure with chilling, sometimes dark lyrics that makes the listener question if it’s normal to feel the urge to dance.

With a wide range of influences, it’s clear this band isn’t picky when it comes to choosing a lane. They touch on a bit of everything from acoustic to gritty, layering the tracks in a way that is oh so pleasing to the ear. Staying true to the South Jersey/Philly sound, each song is well rounded and fuller than an uncle on thanksgiving - while not over saturating with too much effects or production.

Follow Eastern Function on Instagram and Facebook and listen to their latest release on major streaming platforms.

Nick Longo

Nick Longo is a musician, luthier, and multimedia handyman.

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